ABLP Lays Out Third Term Policies in Manifesto

ST. JOHN’S, Antigua (January 10, 2023) —The Antigua & Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) has promised that a third term will see a lower cost of living,            more jobs and improved utility services and infrastructure. These and other plans were outlined in the party’s 135-page manifesto that was launched during a ceremony on Tuesday.

During the launch ABLP political leader, Prime Minister Gaston Browne said the manifesto did not contain “pie in the sky promises.”   

The document, titled Next Level Progress and Prosperity of All, touts the party’s long-standing policy of no income tax and promises more investment and jobs. He was quick to add that his administration has already attracted investments to create jobs and put Antiguans and Barbudans to work.

Early pledges in the document include a promise to adopt legislation that will match the retirement age for all workers, public and private, with the age for which social security pensions are payable.

There were also promises regarding public sector salaries and pensions. Browne lamented that the protracted negotiations for public sector workers was not yet concluded and expressed particular regret that it was not done before general elections. He however gave a commitment to have government negotiators set a date for the resumption of negotiations with the various unions.

 “The ABLP also wants to increase public service pensions and this not a ploy to get your vote. This is a commitment,” Browne told the gathering of government officials and party supporters.

The prime minister said a third-term Browne government will build upon its economic performance.

“Now while the global (Gross Domestic Product) growth in 2021 6%, we enjoyed high economic growth of 7.43%. Even more remarkably, as growth in the world declined by 3.2% in 2022, our economy defied all the odds and is expected to grow by a whopping 8.35% as of the end of 2022,” Browne said at the launch.

The party’s vision for economic growth is extensively outlaid in the manifesto. In the document, it states that the overall objective is to “attain and sustain GDP growth over the next five years of at least 6%, which is inclusive, generates jobs and reduces vulnerability and poverty.”

Where utilities are concerned the party proposes lowering the cost of electricity and water using renewable and green sources of energy such as solar power. The party plans to increase water production by constructing more reverse osmosis facilities. It will also seek to promote private sector investment 

But while manifestos traditionally focus on goals and policies once elected into office, the ABLP document extensively catalogued the party’s performance during its last two terms in office and highlighted a series of established policies and programmes like the Entrepreneurial Development Fund, road upgrades, port expansion, the ongoing resort and infrastructure development in Barbuda and the construction of new homes across the country.



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