About Us

It’s easy for the facts to be buried amongst the proliferation of media entities—not forgetting citizen journalists—spanning traditional and virtual spheres. Almost everyone has a strong opinion that they wish to share, and everyone with a platform shares liberally, often dismissing the key tenet of journalism—just the facts. Elections provide, to the population, the chance to make their voices heard with their votes. Dadli Media Pop-Up is as the name suggests—a pop-up media entity, covering, in this first instance, the Antigua and Barbuda 2023 general elections.



To provide the electorate with no-frills, non-partisan, unadulterated coverage about the political parties, the candidates and the milieu, enabling people to make informed choices. 



To be the media entity of record, covering seasons and events that matter to people. 


Core Values 

Independence—acting with integrity and free from formal or informal alliances with any special interests 

Professionalism—remaining independent, impartial and objective in news coverage 

Accuracy—presenting correct information placed in the correct context  

Fairness—examining all sides and reporting without favoritism or personal motives 

Inclusiveness—covering all angles and all the players regardless of size or perspectives  

Accountability—acknowledging when we commit errors and swiftly correcting them 


The Team 

Two news veterans and two news junkies walk into a pizza parlor. Dadli Media Pop-Up was born over an inexpensive lunch.

Mickel Brann-Challenger

After almost 30 years in the business, from cub reporter to editor and a few firsts, Mickel knows her way around a news block.


Ádia Duberry

Producing is her forte and Ádia brings along a youthful perspective and a background in media and film studies.


Dé-Vonté Hunte 

Whether it’s writing, editing, design or photography, Dé-Vonté’ dabbles in it all. His interests are vast and he keenly enjoys following the political scene. 


Anika Kentish 

For nearly 20 years, she has honed her craft. Now Anika brings with her a wealth of experience as a broadcaster and diligent correspondent.